
57 Art Reviews

22 w/ Responses

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I'll be writing another detailed review for one of your art portal submissions.

Lets begin the review.

You mistakenly forgotten to add color to uncolored areas in certain parts of your drawing.

I seen a gap near fay's arm.

You forgot to completely color the locker.

Part of the floor is missing the same shade of yellow used for most of the floor.

That small section of floor looks to be a grey and white.

Other gaps are insignificant and difficult to spot without close inspection.

You should use the zoom function to check for possible uncolored gaps.

You can try experimenting with other programs to create Fay drawings.

If you have a deviantArt account than you can use it's on site tools for creating drawings.

If you have a scanner than it is possible to create drawings of Fay using traditional art supplies including water color paint.

Experiment with different tools and mediums to teach yourself new things.

The self taught artist learns from trying different things.

Draw your characters in all types of poses and you will better understand the mechanics of your drawings.

If you happen to be a student at school.

Visit the school and carefully observe the lockers before drawing.

You can also look at photos of lockers for reference material.

It might not be possible to look at actual lockers and a photo is the next best thing.

I like that you included a background with your drawing this time.

A lot of your art portal submissions lacked backgrounds.

If you are to use a simple color as a background.

I would advise you to treat a single colored background as a surrounding light source.

A white background with no details acts as a surrounding light source.

A red background with no details acts as a surrounding light source.

Adding shadows on the edges of your character will create the illusion of surrounding light.

That bit of advice is applies to your solid color backgrounds.

I hope to have taught you a useful trick.

Give the shade of Fay's eyes a different shade of white.

Fay's eyes are the same shade of white used for skin.

Try using distinct shades of the same color more often.

Items such as paper, clouds, clothes, painted walls, eye balls, skulls are all gonna use different shades of white.

Sometimes different items are the same color but different shades are more appropriate.

You will get better at coloring with plenty of experimenting.

You can use other colors besides black to draw outlines.

Play around with your colors and have fun with it.

You will work in an extremely efficient manner from enjoying the process of creating new art.

If creating new work becomes a chore at anytime; Take a break.

You can always return with a renewal energy for more ambitious art projects.

Now onto one last criticism.

The speech balloon for shouting should look much more dynamic.

Google; Speech balloon shouting.

You have different speech balloons for talking, shouting and thinking.

Speech balloons act as visual grammar to display different tones of voice.

This wasn't your best work.

It's also not your worst either.

I would consider the standard to be average when compared to your other works.

I look forward to seeing your new stuff.

- Mightydein

I seen that Pig man in one of the Fay movies.

The Pig man has no moral objection to using Fay's normal desire to be loved for selfish reasons.

The Pig-man only cares about getting sexual satisfaction without regard towards the feelings of others.

The Pig-man doesn't care if you might be comfortable around him.

Pig-man only cares about himself.

I remember watching the cartoon about the Pigman paying Fay for oral sex.

He was wearing that pink bow in that episode.

I didn't think the pig-man would pay any attention to fay dressed in boy clothes.

I assume the pigman thought Fay was a girl.

The lettering on your drawing could be a bit more steady.

A background would be a welcome addition.

The Pigman's hand could use a bit of improvement too.

His hand doesn't really look to be holding that cash together.

Take the time to observe your own hands.

Get some paper and than clutch it with your fist.

You can get anything for paper including your own money.

Observe how your fingers wrap around the paper.

Look at your own hand holding the paper.

Begin drawing the shape of your hand holding the paper.

The pig man holding money will than have a more convincing pose.

The actual money has some uncolored areas and gaps.

Fill these gaps in.

Zoom in on drawings to inspect them for gaps during final stages of adding color.

The drawings could also use some shadows with clear light sources.

More light sources means adding proper shadows becomes more difficult.

Play around with different tools to create drawings based on Fay.

You can use traditional tools or Digital tools.

Just keep drawing and trying different things.

- Mightydein

I have a fondness for robots because they are fascinating machines.

I would like to see other different robot designs from you.

The design for Bimbot seems to be the common box robot design.

Heather's design is a much more original robot design.

Bizmo is a robot with a suit and has a box for a head.

Gemini and Zomborg have interesting character designs too.

I like how the robots are not anime influenced.

Those robots could have ended up with the appearance of gundams, go-lion, zam-bot3 or any other robot anime.

You can get away with borrowing some design elements from multiple influences.

Robots are imaginary machines and can be drawn in any style.

Observation of everyday machines in real life can often inspire new design elements for brand new robots.

You can also borrow other design elements from multiple sources including other cartoon, live action sci fi, anime, ect

The most important element of each robot design is enough originality to create something new and distinct.

I like a lot of your robot designs but additional polishing will bring them to perfection.

Perhaps adding a futuristic city as a background would be a welcome addition.

I would like to see a demonstration on the super powers of each robot.

Do they fly?

Do they shoot lasers?

Breath fire?

Fire nuclear rockets?

The robot topic really activates the imagination because anything is possible.

My personal favorite robot out of your doodles is Gemini.

Gemini has a very cute design.

Take your time with certain drawings because it allows for more time for observation.

Keep drawing and you will get better with practice.

I remember noticing increasingly better drawings in each new episode of yonder ho.

I look forward to your new work.

- Mightydein

Bertn1991 responds:

Thank you! I always enjoying hearing what you have to say. Yeah, you're right about Bimbot. She's your typical looking robot, though she does have a ponytail. I think that's one thing that's unique about them, that they have hair. Robots never have hair. I've sorta become attached to these guys. I started writing a story about them. Maybe I'll post something in the forums sometime. Anyway, thanks again. I love how you can look at my simple drawings and have so much to say. Your tips and advice are very much appreciated : )

l love the attention to detail.

The structures look great, the clouds look great and the snow was in many shades of color besides a pure white.

The overall drawing had a very strong sense of realism.

I love the shading in this drawing.

You paid close attention to the curves and angles on that chick's face.

The drawing appears to be strongly influenced by real life.

You did a good job.

I like the coloring of the background and how you created a polished coloring style for your simple drawings.

The fox and that chick could use some shadows to interact with the light from the sun.

Hair is generally very shinny and often reflects light.

These small tweaks can create more surprisingly polished drawings.

I'm glad that you are still posting new stuff.


I love the way you draw cats.

Bertn1991 responds:

Aw, thanks! I'll upload more then.

I like the coloring better in compared to your pervious Art portal submissions.

The HD gag is a bit old since a lot of other people cracked that same joke about how high definition displays skin imperfections that were perviously hidden before.

Lower resolution means less detail on display and hideous skin imperfections becomes easy to hide as a result.

Old VHS tapes of Horror movies often hide bad special effects because of VHS's lower resolution.

The HD equals ugly gag has been played out,

The drawing itself looks better than past entries.

I look forward to seeing your new art.

- Mightydein

That is a great drawing of a cat.

You got the leg joints accurate and even captured how a cat moves.

You must have taken time to observe cats before drawing this.

Good work.

Bertn1991 responds:

Thanks! I guess after you draw cats for so many months it starts to become second nature : )

Mike Judge based many of his character designs on real people.

Hank hill is a crude representation of a real life person much like his other characters.

You could more successfully imitate mike judge by drawing sketches of real people.

Some of the facial features of mike judge characters are based on reality but still not entirely realistic.

Teach yourself to draw crude representations of real people and the mike judge style becomes easy to emulate.

Your given subject matter of Hank hill transforming dragonballz style also requires an additional understanding of Akira Toriyama too.

Pay close attention to both drawing styles while carefully observing each little detail.

The theme of your drawing requires an understanding of both Dragonballz and King of the Hill.

When you understand something about a certain details than drawing becomes increasingly easy.

Draw something based on observation often enough than working from memory becomes easy.

Don't assume to know what certain things look like.

The best artists usually place a lot of effort into observation of perviously overlooked details.

When you learn something new about the details of your subjects than it will become more easy to draw.

After gaining an understanding of both the dragonballz art style and The King of the Hill art style.

The next step is building upon both art styles for creating fanart more distinctly yours.

The drawing of super saiyan Hank hill needs that extra bit of refinement described perviously within this review.

The sky looks great since the stars are different sizes; However, the color of those stars needs a simple adjustment.

Stars are not all the same colors.

Real life stars are a variety of colors including red, blue, green, yellow, white, ect.

You'll create a much better looking night time sky by experimenting with multiple colors for each star.

The text for Hank's scream looks excellent.

That font was beautiful.

I'm done reviewing your drawing and personally enjoyed the wacky premise of your drawing.

Make another drawing with the same theme with your new knowledge and it'll go over a lot better.

I hope this review provided sufficient information towards improvement.

Best of luck with your future endeavors.

- Mightydein

Dachickenman459 responds:

I'm so flattered that you took your time to write THAT much. But yeah in not too proud of this one thankfully I've improved a lot since I was 15 or 16 years old.

I created cartoons for newgrounds since 2003 and collaborated with artists such as livecorpse, Billy Monks and others.
I'm also known as PowerRangerYELLOW on my alt account.
I hope to make more cartoons soon.

Age 41

Internet animator


Joined on 1/8/02

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