I'll be writing another detailed review for one of your art portal submissions.
Lets begin the review.
You mistakenly forgotten to add color to uncolored areas in certain parts of your drawing.
I seen a gap near fay's arm.
You forgot to completely color the locker.
Part of the floor is missing the same shade of yellow used for most of the floor.
That small section of floor looks to be a grey and white.
Other gaps are insignificant and difficult to spot without close inspection.
You should use the zoom function to check for possible uncolored gaps.
You can try experimenting with other programs to create Fay drawings.
If you have a deviantArt account than you can use it's on site tools for creating drawings.
If you have a scanner than it is possible to create drawings of Fay using traditional art supplies including water color paint.
Experiment with different tools and mediums to teach yourself new things.
The self taught artist learns from trying different things.
Draw your characters in all types of poses and you will better understand the mechanics of your drawings.
If you happen to be a student at school.
Visit the school and carefully observe the lockers before drawing.
You can also look at photos of lockers for reference material.
It might not be possible to look at actual lockers and a photo is the next best thing.
I like that you included a background with your drawing this time.
A lot of your art portal submissions lacked backgrounds.
If you are to use a simple color as a background.
I would advise you to treat a single colored background as a surrounding light source.
A white background with no details acts as a surrounding light source.
A red background with no details acts as a surrounding light source.
Adding shadows on the edges of your character will create the illusion of surrounding light.
That bit of advice is applies to your solid color backgrounds.
I hope to have taught you a useful trick.
Give the shade of Fay's eyes a different shade of white.
Fay's eyes are the same shade of white used for skin.
Try using distinct shades of the same color more often.
Items such as paper, clouds, clothes, painted walls, eye balls, skulls are all gonna use different shades of white.
Sometimes different items are the same color but different shades are more appropriate.
You will get better at coloring with plenty of experimenting.
You can use other colors besides black to draw outlines.
Play around with your colors and have fun with it.
You will work in an extremely efficient manner from enjoying the process of creating new art.
If creating new work becomes a chore at anytime; Take a break.
You can always return with a renewal energy for more ambitious art projects.
Now onto one last criticism.
The speech balloon for shouting should look much more dynamic.
Google; Speech balloon shouting.
You have different speech balloons for talking, shouting and thinking.
Speech balloons act as visual grammar to display different tones of voice.
This wasn't your best work.
It's also not your worst either.
I would consider the standard to be average when compared to your other works.
I look forward to seeing your new stuff.
- Mightydein