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Recent Movie Reviews

739 Movie Reviews

I use the newgrounds ratings system to rate all of my movies and games too.

I personally use entirely different sey of standards from your own.

The way you assign ratings is based on the explictness and offensive material regardless of the duration that it has been on the screen.

I don't factor how offensive the material by a first standard but instead focus on timing first.

after the amount of time has been measured.

I'll factor things such as explictness as secondary standard.

I highly recommend some viewer caution on even the lower rated movies and games as well.

Violence is not rated based on any blood or gore by it's first standard. the rating for violence is rated on the amount of time that you see it.

gory violence and santantized violence is almost treated the same by own rating system systems.

nudity like the rest of my system is graded on the level timing as well.

an A rating according to my standards might not necessarily mean that it is sexually explict or pornographic.

a lot of older A rated submissions were not sexually explict.

I never understood why the other catogories such as violence, language and subject matter didn't also factor into an A rating in many submissions.

You sometimes see M rated submissions that are more explict than a lot of A rated submissions because it had less nudity.

The one exception where I change the standards for rating of timing instead of explictness would have to be language.

cursing as spoken dialouge or text are two different things.

adult themes can cover a very broad range of things and is based on the subtext and details.

I do think the mesurements for the newgrounds rating can be expanded upon but it's not a perfect system.

No rating system is perfect at all.

They have all of these different standards and set of rules.

It's interesting to leatn how other artists self-rate their stuff.

12DAMDO responds:

i ain't reading all that but i agree for most part

The animation seemed fine to me for an early attempt at moving drawings at a higher frame rate.

You'll eventually get better at that exact frame rate and others.

Everybody's first attempts at animation isn't going to have the best level of detail control.

The trick with animation is strong powerful poses and the overall timing.

If you need to hold on a drawing for longer such as how it is spaced out.

That approach can work.

just remain persistent and do those animations that might be too fast or slow.

Once you adjust to the frame rate and find ways to make adjustments to make it work.

For lower frame rates. You can create movements using smears, squash and stretch techniques, broad motions and exaggeration.

Study comic books that have strong poses that create a sense of motion in a single image.

You can draw that way too and incorporate that as part of your animation vocabulary.

You can be much more fast and loose with lower frame rates.

Higher frames takes more drawings, longer holds or both to look right.

With more experience you gain more of an understanding on how to control these details with more precision.

The higher the frame rate. You space out the drawings a little less.

Lower rates. You space out the drawings farther apart and use an increased level of exaggeration to create the illusion of more drawings than their really.

Because the frame rate is lower. You have more time to look at the level of detail in the drawings.

Think of it as a slow burn and fast burn but with different things to work around.

Try out the different frame rates, play around with the timing, drawings and such.

You'll do just fine.

It's not the frame rate but how you draw it.

You can always do different kinds of cheats by holding on drawings for longer at higher frame rates.

While you are still inexperienced with 24 frames per second.

You'll get the hang of it and eventually kids will come to you for animation advice because you will be a new internet cartoon veteran someday.

Good luck and keep at it.

I thought the cartoon was very silly and has bit of gory sense of humour.

The antics of a cut-up are to be expected from a flash cartoon about knives.

It's been a slice.

Ibiglarva responds:

I didn’t use flash to make this, at the time I was pretty bad with flash, and didn’t understand it so well, I used FlipaClip to make it instead which I thought the cartoon was okay. I am probably gonna cancel L.O.A and make a different episode cause I have lost my laptop a while back if you seen the post and I don’t have backups. I will make Land of awesomeness still, but I am working on a different series now.

Recent Game Reviews

54 Game Reviews

This Game was a lot of fun.

I really enjoy the 80's sounding music played during the Game itself.

It invoked a feeling of the Future ahead and Nostalgia at the same time.

It was easy to grasp the game's controls instantly.

The most simple of concepts are sometime the best.

Very entertaining.

Oultrox responds:

Thank you! I know it's kinda simple the game, but we aimed for a week of dev and this came out and we're really proud :D!

The engine designed for your game did not strike me as entirely special.

You click on a limited number of buttons to change sex acts.

The brush strokes applied to the drawing were clean.

The drawing style kinda reminds me of anime girls.

Perhaps cute girls could be drawn in a more distinct drawing style.

The girls themselves don't look like the usual generic carbon copy of anime.

Increased distinction in your drawing style will happen with increased practice with drawing.

Pay closer attention to the female form and carefully observe your subject.

You will be producing better dirty flash games in no time.

May you have better luck next time.

- Mightydein

You will need to observe pornographic material more closely to farther enhance your drawings.

Hair often reflects light and is often produces a shine in certain lighting conditions.

You can also use real life observation based around your personal life to enhance hentai submissions.

Use whatever reference material is needed to enhance your ability at drawing nudity.

I personally hate these hentai submissions to be perfectly honest.

but sometimes sinking to the lowest common denominator is the most effective way to get views.

Practice drawing the female form, nudity and work on adding more variety to future game engines.

I loved the blood effects used in this collection of animated shorts.

A ridiculous attention to detail is applied to the blood effects; However, other areas of drawing are often neglected.

I've always enjoyed watching cartoons by Livecorpse.

Unfortunately a lot of work produced by Livecorpse is often rushed quickly as possible.

Livecorpse is a very effective animator for reaching deadlines but sometimes the quality of his work suffers.

This collection has obviously recycled past animations from previous submissions.

Pumping out those animations quickly worked as an effective way to get better at drawing.

Livecorpse's later submissions became increasingly polished over time.

It's too bad that new livecorpse movies will never be made.

Livecorpse's abilities improved quickly and his best work was produced in 2004.

I hope the next generation of animators learn the same lessons that livecorpse did.

Pump out a lot of practice movies and don't fixate on critics.

The movie still presented recycled animations in a neat way.

I honestly prefer to watch the other submissions by livecorpse.

- Mightydein

Recent Audio Reviews

39 Audio Reviews

I really love this track and thought it sounded extremely cool.

I'm very glad to have used it in my one of cartoons.

I hope other aniamtors use this track too.

It has a very catchy sound to it.

I really enjoy the vocals in this song.

Recent Art Reviews

59 Art Reviews

This is really cute.

Happy late birthday to Nyan Neko Sugar girls.

I like that Raku- chan has two adorable plushies.

You were attempting to not only draw a tank but also at a hard to draw angle.

It looks like you were trying to teach yourself how draw in perspective.

I would be interested in seeing you draw another tank in near future.

Pretty cool drawing of Kanada.

The shadows around the face is a nice added touch.

The shadows around the nose and eyes will look a bit different because of the distance.

Skull anatomy and how flesh wraps around the head is a little bit complex.

The drawing style of Akira is not entirely realistic but a very stylized version of realism influenced by the artist's own interpretation of reality.

You are seeing reality through the creator of akira's eyes.

It is possible to take akira fan art to the next level by injecting your own interpretation of reality into an already strong piece,

I do enjoy that you drew Kanada entirely within your style and I hope to see more your works taken to another level of stylized realism.

Keep at it.

Very cool.

KonanSaurus responds:

I really appreciated man, Thank you!

I created cartoons for newgrounds since 2003 and collaborated with artists such as livecorpse, Billy Monks and others.
I'm also known as PowerRangerYELLOW on my alt account.
I hope to make more cartoons soon.

Age 41

Internet animator


Joined on 1/8/02

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