
22 Art Reviews w/ Response

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Your cat's name is Nightmare.

I seen this character somewhere in an episode of Yonder Ho.

Not much is known about this cat.

Nightmare is obviously a mysterious creature with some potentially interesting history.

Would it be possible to reveal more aspects of this character?

What is his origin?

Is he a creature from hell?

Is he good?

Is he bad?

Looks can often be very deceiving.

Some types of dangerous animals are actually very cute.

Dangerous animals like nightmare is not a very cute cat at all.

He has sinister look to his eyes.

I like the usage of different lights and shadows.

I really love how you use shading to enhance your simple drawings.

Bertn1991 responds:

Nightmare may look scary, but he's mostly harmless. He's like Bowser; sometimes he's the bad guy, and sometimes he's out playing golf or racing go karts with everyone. Okay, he doesn't really do those particular things, but you get the point. I suppose I could put him in more episodes, sure.

Thank you for your kind and thoughtful worlds : )

That Cat statue reminds of that one thing from Samurai pizza cats.

The cat is a bit fat and almost looks a bit like buddha.

The background effect reminds looks about average standard.

I would treat the effect like a source of surrounding light.

Surrounding light would effect the shadows very differently.

I would like to learn more about this cat.

- Mightydein

Bertn1991 responds:

He's based off Maneki-neko which is a figure in Japanese culture seen as a lucky charm. His name, Year of Me, is a reference to the Al Stewart, "Year Of The Cat."

I thought the background effect looked nice. It's simple but the bright red with white adds deep contrast making things stand out and seem brighter than they really are. But you're right though, I could've done the shading a bit differently.

Thanks : )

I assume your protagonist is standing in a sideways direction in the sunlight.

I noticed you are now using different colored outlines.

The grass looks great; However, some tall blades of grass in the front would add some additional polish.

Your drawn outlines are also effected by the lighting and shadows.

The colored outlines and shading combined help with creating a cool lighting effect.

I already mentioned stuff about how the environment effects your character.

The direction of the sun would effect how the shadows look.

I like the shine effect on the girl's hair.

I love how you designed the sky in your drawing.

There is no wrong way to draw the sky because the real sky is constantly changing.

Clouds can be drawn in a million different ways.

Clouds often come in multiple colors in a single cloud.

I have never seen a pure white cloud.

Some clouds have silver lining, mixes of purple, grey, brown, red, ect

The best way to draw a cloud is by creating different mixtures of colors.

Your clouds look very cool.

You are getting at creating poses for your drawings.

Your girl is standing with a subtle lean.

Her standing looks a lot more natural in comparison to your past art portal submissions.

I would like to see more of your simple drawings placed in multiple different types of poses.

Dynamic poses can be learned from trail and error.

This new drawing is a step in the right direction.

I look forward to your new work.

- Mightydein

Bertn1991 responds:

A five star rating? That must really mean something coming from you. Thanks! She's based on an old drawing I did a few years ago. You can actually go back and look at some of the animation tests on YouTube for Yonder Ho and see her.

I think the grass turned out okay. I get no points for realism, but I think it looks nice. You're right, some taller blades poking out in front would've looked nice. Some flowers, too, maybe.

The sky has always been really easy for me to draw. Like you said, it's pretty hard to mess up the sky. Though, I often just use real photographs for skies in Yonder Ho. Sometimes the actual sky can be difficult to distinguish from a painting or drawing so it usually fits right in with cartoons. Courage The Cowardly Dog did that a lot. But yeah I'm glad you like these clouds. I did make these.

I thought it didn't fit or personality to stand perfectly straight. I do have trouble drawing different poses to be honest.

Anyways, thanks for your review!

I love your multiple shades of blue used in your picture.

The background uses multiple shades of purple to create the background.

You used a limited range of colors in multiple shades very effectively.

The drawing looks cool.

- Mightydein

LightningBolt13 responds:

Ah, thank you!

Your cat is dressed up in some extremely loud colors and her style of clothes are highly absurd.

The cat appears to be getting ready for a work out.

The cat has a very unapproachable facial expression.

I notice a few shadows applied to certain curves and places around the cat.

The cat's fur had different shades of white; However, her clothes are lacking some shading.

Sometimes the clothes on your back will have combined shading with the body.

Blending a different shade of color will create a more convincing looking shadow.

I like how the cat was given a different color for her eyes instead of the standard white.

Actual cats often have interesting eye colors distinct from humans.

A cat's eyes will often glow in the dark.

You did a good job at closely observing cats to assist with cat drawings.

Transfer those same skills of close observation onto your human drawings.

Observe your subject and carefully pay attention to every detail.

You might miss certain details in your observations but practice makes perfect.

Keep making those new drawings, music and animations.

- Mightydein

Bertn1991 responds:

Oh, guess I forgot to shade her clothes. Whoops. But yeah, thanks for giving your thoughts! I appreciate it as always. You know, I've seen some pretty bad reviews on this site, but yours are always well written I must say; and whenever you have criticism, it's constructive and helpful. Thanks again : )

I have a fondness for robots because they are fascinating machines.

I would like to see other different robot designs from you.

The design for Bimbot seems to be the common box robot design.

Heather's design is a much more original robot design.

Bizmo is a robot with a suit and has a box for a head.

Gemini and Zomborg have interesting character designs too.

I like how the robots are not anime influenced.

Those robots could have ended up with the appearance of gundams, go-lion, zam-bot3 or any other robot anime.

You can get away with borrowing some design elements from multiple influences.

Robots are imaginary machines and can be drawn in any style.

Observation of everyday machines in real life can often inspire new design elements for brand new robots.

You can also borrow other design elements from multiple sources including other cartoon, live action sci fi, anime, ect

The most important element of each robot design is enough originality to create something new and distinct.

I like a lot of your robot designs but additional polishing will bring them to perfection.

Perhaps adding a futuristic city as a background would be a welcome addition.

I would like to see a demonstration on the super powers of each robot.

Do they fly?

Do they shoot lasers?

Breath fire?

Fire nuclear rockets?

The robot topic really activates the imagination because anything is possible.

My personal favorite robot out of your doodles is Gemini.

Gemini has a very cute design.

Take your time with certain drawings because it allows for more time for observation.

Keep drawing and you will get better with practice.

I remember noticing increasingly better drawings in each new episode of yonder ho.

I look forward to your new work.

- Mightydein

Bertn1991 responds:

Thank you! I always enjoying hearing what you have to say. Yeah, you're right about Bimbot. She's your typical looking robot, though she does have a ponytail. I think that's one thing that's unique about them, that they have hair. Robots never have hair. I've sorta become attached to these guys. I started writing a story about them. Maybe I'll post something in the forums sometime. Anyway, thanks again. I love how you can look at my simple drawings and have so much to say. Your tips and advice are very much appreciated : )

I love the way you draw cats.

Bertn1991 responds:

Aw, thanks! I'll upload more then.

That is a great drawing of a cat.

You got the leg joints accurate and even captured how a cat moves.

You must have taken time to observe cats before drawing this.

Good work.

Bertn1991 responds:

Thanks! I guess after you draw cats for so many months it starts to become second nature : )

Mike Judge based many of his character designs on real people.

Hank hill is a crude representation of a real life person much like his other characters.

You could more successfully imitate mike judge by drawing sketches of real people.

Some of the facial features of mike judge characters are based on reality but still not entirely realistic.

Teach yourself to draw crude representations of real people and the mike judge style becomes easy to emulate.

Your given subject matter of Hank hill transforming dragonballz style also requires an additional understanding of Akira Toriyama too.

Pay close attention to both drawing styles while carefully observing each little detail.

The theme of your drawing requires an understanding of both Dragonballz and King of the Hill.

When you understand something about a certain details than drawing becomes increasingly easy.

Draw something based on observation often enough than working from memory becomes easy.

Don't assume to know what certain things look like.

The best artists usually place a lot of effort into observation of perviously overlooked details.

When you learn something new about the details of your subjects than it will become more easy to draw.

After gaining an understanding of both the dragonballz art style and The King of the Hill art style.

The next step is building upon both art styles for creating fanart more distinctly yours.

The drawing of super saiyan Hank hill needs that extra bit of refinement described perviously within this review.

The sky looks great since the stars are different sizes; However, the color of those stars needs a simple adjustment.

Stars are not all the same colors.

Real life stars are a variety of colors including red, blue, green, yellow, white, ect.

You'll create a much better looking night time sky by experimenting with multiple colors for each star.

The text for Hank's scream looks excellent.

That font was beautiful.

I'm done reviewing your drawing and personally enjoyed the wacky premise of your drawing.

Make another drawing with the same theme with your new knowledge and it'll go over a lot better.

I hope this review provided sufficient information towards improvement.

Best of luck with your future endeavors.

- Mightydein

Dachickenman459 responds:

I'm so flattered that you took your time to write THAT much. But yeah in not too proud of this one thankfully I've improved a lot since I was 15 or 16 years old.

Is that the same fox from yonder ho?

Bertn1991 responds:

Good eye : ) That is the same fox you speak of, and to the left is Pete's mother as a child. I'm making a book about them. It's pretty silly.

I created cartoons for newgrounds since 2003 and collaborated with artists such as livecorpse, Billy Monks and others.
I'm also known as PowerRangerYELLOW on my alt account.
I hope to make more cartoons soon.

Age 41

Internet animator


Joined on 1/8/02

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