Too damn short!
Stream your audio and make the movie a little longer.
It's a pretty good flash movie but it's only 10 seconds of animation.
The audio should'nt be longer than the movie so either make the audio shorter or the movie longer.
Too damn short!
Stream your audio and make the movie a little longer.
It's a pretty good flash movie but it's only 10 seconds of animation.
The audio should'nt be longer than the movie so either make the audio shorter or the movie longer.
thanks, yeah, the problem with streaming in this movie was that the frames were in different scenes for editing purposes so it made streaming tough, but future ones are going to be in a single scene for streamed music and hopefull streamed sound effects
Not to shabby!
I remember E-mailing you The voice of freddy.
You did i good job animating it.
All your other movies are better but this chao farm is still interesting in a distrubing way.
This movie was just too insain for my tastes it's not my cup of tea but don't give up on flash your movies are always getting better.
Good luck in your future projects. should have read chao farm like i asked you to instead of waiting for me to finish this flash.
i remember you reviewing my musical summary and saying that you read chao farm before.
oh well!
Not bad!
It was like 6 flash movies in one.
I think EZ had a better collection but this is still entertaining none the less.
You could have made the animation a little better on most the movies but for some reason all the movies work good as one submission.
Keep up the good work on your spirte movies but try drawing your movies more often.
i wanted to add more stuff to this collection, but my dad deleted the .swf
to this and dance dance hockeyclock.
so now i can never finish either one of them.
Kick ass.
This must have taken you long time to make this movie.
I love all the flash effects you used in your movie.
This movie was almost in 3d and the animation moves like it were in real time.
I almost could'nt tell the 3d animation and the hand drawn animation apart.
If any of your other work is this good. I'am going to check it out.
thank you. it plays at 18 frames per second instead of the flash default of 12. that helps with the smoothness. the 3d was tough to do, but it looks great with photoshop backgrounds.
Are you even trying any more?!
What happened to all your good shit?!
This was really funny but the plot pales in comparison to some of your other cartoons.
You just used gratouitous sex and nudity to get high votes instead of your usual warped sense of humor.
You damn killed this series for me and i liked the other movies you submited but for god sakes read your reviews and take our opinions seriously.
Maybe even responsed to some of your reviews.
Keep up the work but don't relay sex to much to get high votes and the the first of your movies that i voted less than five on.
I thought the guy yaking about beer was k1lo.
Where did you get that voice for orange clock it owned.
I thought the ending where you blew up the biggest topic was really funny.
I never once thought that you liked anime when i seen this.
I just thought that you make really funny movies.
You have a nack for flash!!
I love all your flash movies!
This movie was like so stupid and bizzare it boarders on lines of pure genius.
Keep making these flash movies because they have a lot of comedy vaule and btw i loved the way you included agnery man in this movie.
Check my profile you now one of my favorite artists.
This is the best retarted animal babies episode!!!
I like the way your flash movie is interactive and you can pick though different movies.
This must have taken you a long time to make.
You very good at coding up flash.
This flash movie was almost like a game.
Keep up the hard the work because your movies continue to entertain the Ng users.
I created cartoons for newgrounds since 2003 and collaborated with artists such as livecorpse, Billy Monks and others.
I'm also known as PowerRangerYELLOW on my alt account.
I hope to make more cartoons soon.
Age 41
Internet animator
Joined on 1/8/02