
276 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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These animation poses were excellent.

The animation poses themselves were accurate to sailor moon.

Link and his movements during the transformation looked extremely feminine.

Women generally move in ways entirely distinct from men.

Link's poses mirrored sailor moon to a perfect tea.

I personally find the gag about a male doing a sailor moon transformation to be a played out.

I would even categorize this movie as overrated in honest opinion.

I personally didn't find the movie to be funny; However, the animation had extremely effective poses.

You did an excellent job with working out the poses.

I can easily imagine a lot of repeating viewings of sailor moon just to get the poses working.

You built on top of those poses and replaced the original protagonist with a brand new one.

It takes a real understanding of the poses to add new material on top of your reference material.

This movie was not my cup tea; However, I will acknowledge this bit of animation is high quality.

You watch way too much sailor moon.

Excellent work on those animation poses.

- Mightydein

ArtistGamerGal responds:

Ya, I really can't take too much credit being that I just copied the poses from the original and didn't design the poses or characters but it was fun to see how they looked with a man's body to me ;)

And ya, video game anime crossover parodies are pretty played out but I wasn't really looking to be super original with this one lol. It was really more of a personal challenge to help me get used to using new software since before this animation most things I made were done in Flash and this animation uses a combination of Toon Boom and After Effects for the bulk of the work so it really helped me to learn that new pipeline.

I love the many camera angles used for this movie.

The gory sound effects for blood and other fluids sounded excellent.

I love the sound used for blood spray.

The drawings and animation became more polished in the middle.

You have successfully demonstrated an improvement as you progressively worked on the same project.

The blood spray animation could use a bit of improvement by mixing different shades of red.

Blood is often different shades of red.

The guy put a hole into his own head by doing a face palm.

The hole in the head would still have parts of the skull, parts of brain, tongue, teeth, ect.

Try to understand how the face forms together including bones, brains and other parts.

You must understand how the things are put together before destroying it.

When you understand how the face is put together and destroy with a facepalm.

You can than make your gory sight gag even more visually disturbing.

The gruesome sound effects worked effectively for the gory sight gag.

The movie really gone crazy after that face palm gag.

I wasn't expecting the setting to change into a saloon.

The bad guy than appears and than runs off for an unexplained reason.

He trips on a rock.

The faceless man is suddenly a hero despite not doing anything at all.

He than flies into space on a strange creature and the movie ends.

The overall movie had a very dumb idea; However, the complete movie was still very silly.

I've enjoyed watching this cartoon.


min3ralWater responds:

Thanks for the review. The movie had a very stupid idea there's no doubt about that :P But to make things clearer, the bad guy got scared and ran away. I guess I could have made it clearer somehow. Thanks for the big analysis! It gives me a lot to think about.

This movie had some great coloring.

I love how you move away from using black outlines for coloring.

You used different camera angles.

The movie was a bit strange and it really confused me.

I didn't understand the narrative behind this movie at all.

Sometimes the animator produces a submission with a narrative only understandable to themselves.

I've produced flashes with incomprehensible stories and the general reaction was usually hostility.

The polished drawings have compensated for the lack of story and the result was a pure unadulterated oddity.

I enjoy seeing these kinda strange movies because it's care-free style.

I was entertained by this oddity.


InsanitySquid responds:

Thanks man, I'm glad you liked the colours :) Hopefully next time it will make sense.

I recognize this blonde headed kid from your other previous submissions.

You already have an established style recognizable as your own calling card.

I noticed that you have recycled some animation from a previous submission as a time saver.

The results was still an entirely new movie.

Sometimes past movies can be effective to assist with new animations.

Your character had a cute design.

The look is very simple in style.

The character's mother is a dying washing machine style robot.

The movie was very strange and had a very warped sense of humor.

This movie would have been perfect to upload on mothers day.


willcamick responds:

I know right! I was working on it on mothers day but got side tracked. Thanks for the review ^_^

Great animation poses and love the use of FBF.

You used squash and stretch animation.

The facial expressions were lively and the animation used plenty of exaggeration.

Good work.

- Mightydein

Rovertarthead responds:

Oh thank you so much yes I've always have room in my heart for the original traditional animation work it's always my Fav and will definitely plan to keep doing them. Thanks for your review and ratings Mightydein much appreciated.

The kids react videos were bound to be targeted for parody.

I'm not surprised that a satirical piss take on the kids react videos exist on either youtube or newgrounds.

I assume this submission was likely created by a younger child and utilized his voice appropriately.

My own voice wouldn't work effectively for children characters and I would have used high pitched voices.

My own voice acting would have been obviously been an adult attempting to imitate children voices.

The voice acting was very fitting for the appropriate and sounded like actual kids.

I assume children did voice acting in this submission.

The concept of a 2 girls one cup kids react would obviously never exist in reality.

The guys behind kids react would get into a lot of trouble for showing that viral video to children.

Their parents would clearly be upset at the kids react guys and arrests are possible.

The absurdity of the premise adds a lot of extra potential comedy.

I remember being a kid and my own reactions to being offended, shocked would be extreme over reactions.

The kids reactions are very much accurate.

Adults react to 2 girls 1 cup in a similar fashion.

You just need to exaggerate how the kids react to the obscene material shown to them.

Increased run time adds more opportunity to play around with the animation poses and faces.

I like how one of the kids merely screamed at the computer screen in horror.

The other kids seemed to have more subdued reactions but still clearly shocked.

This was a funny quick movie and has proven it's point in such a short length.

Not every flash needs to be a minute or more.

I love the graphic of the chalk board and on screen text.

It reminds me of the actual kids react videos.

The hand writing on the chalkboard could use a bit of improvement.

Some of the hand writing was a little sloppy in places.

The backgrounds were generally simple and crudely drawn.

A lot of the animation were motion tweens in certain places; However, the face expressions were funny.

I noticed the kids would make the same kinda facial expressions as an adult reacting in disgust.

The eye twitches in disgust and the body psychically moves away.

These were accurate reactions but a bit more exaggeration in the animation would really sale it.

The voice acting worked effectively as previously mentioned in this review.

Sound can really assist with any flash movie and is often an effective tool.

The actual two girls one cup music was a perfect fit.

It clearly demonstrated an understanding of your references.

Ideally you want to avoid using references but is sometimes unavoidable for parody.

A parody is basically a reference by itself.

Making fun of another work is obviously a reference to a certain degree.

Research is necessary to properly execute parody.

You gotta understand your subject before making fun of it.

I love premise of this movie and did get a quick cheap laugh.


Chauder responds:

Thanks for the feedback! The voices were actually all me, no one else, just a bit pitched up in Audacity ^^

The animation was obviously produced by someone inexperienced; However, the entertainment value was still there.

The back and white cartoon could have used a bit more color.

I love the camera angles.

The text was in another language and would make following the story difficult.

Translating the text into English would have been a big improvement.

Perhaps voice actors could have read from a translated version of the original script.

You wouldn't need to alter the Spanish text with translated audio.

The animation can remain entirely untouched with that small additional audio element.

I like how you used multiple music tracks in such a short movie.

Music can be effective for setting mood and sometimes be used to add extra humor.

The animated head bopping to "What is love" is a good example of humor.

The visual comedy broke through the language barrier of this submission.

This was an entertaining first submission and hope to see improvements soon.

I will later judge your better movies by higher standards.

Just continue to practice and pump out those practice movies.


Aled1918 responds:

Thanks for you comment it helped us :)

This movie has extremely demented sense of humor.

A lot of attention to details are paid to human anatomy in a lot of the drawings.

You basically need to know how the human body fits together before destroying it.

I remember having a conversation with sickdeathfiend once and he mentioned using gory pictures as reference material for his 2003 movies.

I can't imagine being able to carefully analyze that sort of reference material without becoming physically ill.

I like how your more recent submissions have effectively use the brush tool of flash.

The brush strokes were very clean.

I love how the blood is animated now.

I'm reminded of how livecorpse animated blood.

You seemed to have borrowed his technique for creating animated blood.

Not only did you borrow livecorpse's blood animation technique but also made improvements onto it.

A lot was accomplished to assistant with really highlighting a very demented sense of humor.

The improved visuals from past submissions will make for increasingly unsettling sickdeathfiend movies.

- Mightydein

SickDeathFiend responds:

thanks bruh! rip Livecorpse

I liked this silly animation and how your character was going completely psycho.

I don't know why he started punching the kool-aid man but it is comical visual gag.

You used plenty of camera angles for visual variety.

You tried hard at doing plenty of animation poses.

The one tweened walk cycle can be improved by paying attention to all the connecting joints in feet, legs, ect.

I could personally make improvement on animation poses and you are likely in the same boat.

Take time with working out the poses for your animations.

I do like how you just create the animation without a second thought.

I'll have to do that more often because it's extremely effective way to practice.

I got a good chuckle out of this movie.

Make more movies.

- Mightydein

SnowyBangers responds:

Yeah the walk cycle was clicky-clicky with the key poses, I knew I'd struggle to refine it as a tweened walk cycle compared to doing a frame-by-frame walk cycle which I'm far better at doing then tweens when it comes to walk-cycles.

I found Jono was easy to manovuer with the the expressions in the face and body cus I understand his action poses in his videos on YouTube.

And Jono personally thought of the idea to have the Kool-Aid Jug to punch up instead of the wall which is cliche in some of his rant videos.

Thank you so much for your awesome review on this! :D


I liked your other submissions better but generally pleased to see new stuff from you.

Now onto the review.

You often leave a few uncolored areas and gaps in a few of your drawings.

I noticed some gaps near the stairways of some the background buildings.

Uncolored areas is a tiny flaw that can be missed by the animator.

That flaw can be fixed with increased close inspection on your drawings.

The movie's gag is about a mother getting her daughter to wakeup.

I personally didn't enjoy the humor of this submission.

The brush strokes will be improved upon with practice.

The character designs were cute and seemed to have a bit of anime influence.

Your art style is already recognizable since your other two movies shared the same aesthetics.

The backgrounds could use a bit of improvement as well.

Take some extra time into observing your surroundings and than draw what you see.

I've once gone to the woods and took portable art supplies to draw trees.

Drawing what you see will significantly improve your drawings.

Generally drawing and animation is a learned skill.

Keep practicing.

- Mightydein

LightningBolt13 responds:

Thank you, Mightydein. I agree with everything you said. This honestly isn't my favorite either, this was extremely rushed and I had limited amount of time to work on this. If I had a bit more time, this wouldn't have turned out so poorly. And the backgrounds will get better.. I'm just not use to them, because most of the animations I've done before Newgrounds have all had blank empty backgrounds and uncolored characters.

I created cartoons for newgrounds since 2003 and collaborated with artists such as livecorpse, Billy Monks and others.
I'm also known as PowerRangerYELLOW on my alt account.
I hope to make more cartoons soon.

Age 41

Internet animator


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