I get that a lot of grunts in dragonballz sound a lot like they are suffering with constipation.
I seen a lot of dragonballz parodies use that same gag of character on the toilet.
The grunting for powering up is a very easy target for parody.
You've overlooked other aspects of dragonballz that would be perfect for parody.
The animation flaws could be mocked in the form of visual gags and dialogue.
You could also make fun of other aspects of voice acting besides the grunts.
You could do silly tough guy voices as a way to spoof certain anime voices.
Pay close attention to dialogue conventions, tropes, cliches, animation flaws and many over looked aspects of dragonballz.
To make a good parody; You need to watch the original show with an extremely critical eye.
Keep an eye for flaws and than subject those flaws for mockery.
This was not a very good dragonballz parody.
You drawn a great vegeta with plenty of tailor made facial expression.
The first background was great.
I love how the way you drawn the bathroom doors.
I really enjoyed the sight gag on vegeata's bathroom door.
Vegeata was taking a dump and his men's room symbol was the power up pose.
That one gag was actually pretty funny.
The house plant between the bathroom doors was an interesting touch.
A caution wet floor sign near the bathroom door would have been better.
I rarely ever seen house plants around bathroom doors.
A wet floor sign has been an extremely common sight near public restrooms.
That house plant is just a small nitpick.
I seen them around public washrooms but they are generally not common.
You did a good job on the first background.
The second background is missing important details.
The toilet looks excellent; However, the wall itself is bare.
Where is the toilet paper dispenser next to vegeata?
You can also add a bathroom sink, stalls and other possible details of a public washroom.
The effect of vegeata going super saiyan looked excellent and I love how the lighting was changed when the yellow aura appeared.
Vegeata's aura altered the lighting of the room.
The voice actor for Vegeta did a good performance with his grunts and scream.
His voice acting could be improved a little bit.
Vegeata's laugh sounded a bit fake and it is generally difficult to preform a laugh on command.
Perhaps, your voice actor can do repeated fake laughs until it becomes genuine.
Practice ways to include a genuine laugh on parts whenever the character laughs.
Doing an evil laugh can sometimes turn into genuine laughter during performances.
Your job as doctor to bring out the best possible performances out of your actors.
Vegeta did a good job except for his laugh.
I would continue working with him and assign different characters to him.
Encourage him to create new distinct voices for every character.
In closing; I've wrote a completely honest review and have noted both the good and bad.
I hope to have helped with identifying areas for improvement.
I personally didn't enjoy your parody.
Better luck next time.
May your future endeavors be more successful.