The song used for the submission had excellent lyrics relevant to lots of Zelda Video-Games.
It was actually a really catchy little tune.
The drawings style looks a bit amateurish; However, the shading in the coloring adds a certain level of polish.
You are still teaching yourself to improve drawing technique.
Your use of gradients in appropriate places demonstrates an understanding of flash.
You've often created gradients for special effects, sky backgrounds, ect.
I like the multiple camera angles and visual variety.
One background had a few fires with some smoke above.
I wish you had created an animation of the smoke moving to utilize with the background.
Unmoving smoke as part of an animation background often looks off putting.
I remember seeing hand painted backgrounds with unmoving smoke in an episode of gundam wing.
The background looked cool except for the unmoving smoke.
The smoke was part of the stationary background instead of creating separate animation cels for smoke.
The unmoving smoke wouldn't look as bad if the background drawings were painted.
The unmoving smoke backgrounds were created in flash.
The background smoke displaying movement will make for more aesthetically pleasing effect.
Even just putting tiny sparks and flames within the unmoving smoke will demonstrate movement.
These tiny sparks don't even need to move outside the boarders of the smoke.
Try to avoid including moving parts within your cartoon backgrounds.
If you do include moving parts in the background than those moving parts need to demonstrate movement.
You can motion tween clouds for some backgrounds.
You can also make a clear sky to eliminate a need for extra work.
Think of creative ways to both cut down on work load and create visually cool graphics.
Animation short cuts are often effective tools used for different reasons.
The shadows can use a bit work.
It is important to know the origins of the light source before adding shadows.
Lights and shadows do make the cartoon look better; However, it's better to use less shadows until lighting is completely understood.
You have to understand how light effects your characters combined with backgrounds.
You also creases of the body and multiple sources of light in some cases.
Application of lights and shadows to drawings can actually be a difficult task.
Practice applying shading with clear direction to future drawings.
The overall music video was entertaining because of the visual variety and music.
Future movies will need a bit of polishing and refinement.
I hope this review provides helpful advice for these kinda improvements.
Make another flash soon.
Best of luck to all yout future endeavours.
- Mightydein