
705 Movie Reviews

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It's actually really cool that flipnotes was used for creating this animation.

You can still create new animation while you are away from the computer with flipnotes.

Any version of the nintendo DS can be taken anywhere because it is portable device.

You have the luxury of actually observing out door settings while creating new animation using flipnotes.

Flipnotes is an art application that you can easily take with you.

Flash is not portable unless it is installed inside a laptop.

I'm not certain if is possible to create flash animation using your cellphone.

Generally flash animation cannot be created in portable devices such as a cellphone.

The nintendo DS is basically a small computer that can taken anywhere.

You can play games, animate with flipnotes and possibly access the internet using wifi.

You have an amazing animation tool that didn't exist in my own childhood.

I would have appreciated flipnotes existing.

I appreciate flipnotes existence right now.

I can more easily pump out new animation because of flipnotes.

You don't always have access to a computer but a portable gaming device can be used whenever another family member hogs the computer.

The nintendo DS has a built in pen tool to make drawing easily accomplished.

Flipnotes and Nintendo DS were tailor-made for each other.

Drawing with the nintendo DS pen tool is significantly more natural feeling than using a computer mouse.

If you can't afford a tablet for the computer than the nintendo DS already functions as a mini tablet.

You could import your flipnote animations into flash and trace it.

You have an amazing animation tool in your possession with lots of potential.

You have no reason not to use multiple tools for creating different animations.

It's not the actual tools used for creating art but your artistic ability.

The great thing about animation is the endless possibilities to invent strange new worlds.

Anything is possible in cartoons.

Internet animation has an edge against mainstream animation produced for television, movies, ect.

Internet animation has a level of freedom that cannot be offered by television and movies.

You can easily get lots of exposure for your new animations on this website.

I usually received more viewers for my cartoons by posting them to newgrounds instead of youtube.

Flipnotes is a kickass new animation tool for creating internet cartoons.

I noticed you used the latest version of flipnotes.

Flipnotes now has more colors to play around with.

My version of flipnotes has a much more limited ability for adding colors.

I seen red, blue, green and yellow.

I only have an ability to use two colors at a time.

I have a much more limited supply of colors in my nintendo DS.

Your version of the nintendo DS has a lot less limitations.

Don't blame the tool used for the quality of the overall cartoon.

You can train yourself to get better at animation and drawing with experience.

Your voice acting sounds like a young kid.

Being a young kid will give plenty more time to practice your craft and make improvements.

Stick with creating animations and you will have an edge against future rivals.

A lot of internet animators begin in their teenage years or adult years.

Starting from childhood will give you plenty of time for practice.

Take advantage of your youthfulness while you are still young.

The drawings in this movie were very primitive.

The arms were often drawn in stick form.

You also used actual stick figures too.

I liked the poses of a few of those stick figures.

Stick figures generally need strong poses like anything else.

Animation poses are very important.

The quality of the drawings began to decline as the movie continued forward.

You can prevent that problem by only working on the cartoon at certain times.

You want to completely enjoy the process of creating new animation.

You appeared to have the most fun creating the animation at the start.

I noticed a higher attention to details during the early parts of your movie.

You gotta constantly change things up to break up the boredom of creating the same thing.

Take breaks with creating your cartoons and than return after you received a renewal of energy.

You can't force yourself to create new art.

You'll create new stuff whenever you want to.

Creating will simply come naturally to you.

I didn't like your movie to be completely honest with you.

I still awarded you with extra points because you selected an extremely good animation tool.

You just need more practice and soon will be able to more effectively utilize it's potential.

Keep pumping out those new movies.

Ignore those nasty critics because your goal is practice by producing new animation.

You'll gain experience from practice and learn new things.

I hope to provide some useful information for your future animations produced with flipnotes.

Keep drawing and be ready to take on new challenges.

Best of luck to your future endeavours.

- Mightydein

JDoUo responds:

Wow..You are so right It's not the app it's me and my talents that creates the project, reading this made me realize to continue to better myself and work harder on my animations. Thank you dearly for your time. p.s Im teaching myself as I go so thank you for the great criticism. c:

I was expecting the character designs of this fan flash to be based on the other versions of star trek.

I expected to see another random homage to next generation.

I grew up at a time when next generation was brand new.

I loved the colorful characters of next generation but didn't entirely enjoy that version of star trek.

Sometimes, next generation can be a boring show in my own personal opinion.

I honestly find the 1960's star trek to be a way more entertaining television series.

Both versions of star trek were part of my childhood; However, the original star trek was the better show.

I found more entertainment value in the original 60's version of star trek.

The character designs of your cartoon look like the original cast.

Plenty of reference material to assist with drawing star trek exists.

You have star trek toys, puzzles, cards, dvd's, comic books, ect

The characters have the same chins and jawlines as the original characters themselves.

You were likely drawing the star trek cast while watching repeats.

The drawings were crude; However, a certain sense of observation on the subjects was there.

The details on the enterprise appeared to be accurate to the show.

All details of the enterprise was not included in the show.

This means that certain elements of the ship is completely open to interpretation.

If you can some kinda map to the enterprise than you can make improvements to the ship.

The dance floor for the song could be on the holodeck.

The holodeck actually made it's first appearance on the star trek animated series.

The control panels on the ship could have used a bit more detail in my own personal opinion.

You can't actually visit the enterprise for close observation to draw it.

A lot of extra effort is required to reverse engineer the enterprise.

To draw trees, you visit the forest.

But you can't actually visit the enterprise to carefully observe for drawing.

You have to work from limited reference material to recreate the ship in cartoon form.

You've attempted a lot of animation poses to move the star trek characters in completely original ways.

Star trek obviously took place in the future and modern beastie boys music wouldn't be out of place.

The animation and music worked together to create an entertaining flash movie.

The short music video was a very silly homage to the original star trek.

- Mightydein

I love the FBF animation.

The poses of the man escaping from the dead ghost mouth looked great and I like the usage of squash and stretch.

The knife flying at the ghost moved too fast.

You sometimes need to slow animation down to make certain movements more easily readable.

The character design of the ghost was a generic Halloween decoration style.

The ghost looked cute.

The outlines of your drawings are black and have a white background.

You went with a very simple look.

It is cool that you have gotten back into creating new animations.

Start creating new movies only when you are having fun and enjoying the process.

If you hate creating new animations than the quality of your work will significantly down grade.

Change mediums and styles if you get bored working on the same thing.

Do whatever is needed to continue enjoying the process of creating new movies.

Have fun and start pumping out those new animations.

Go with the flow and work out those animation as they come naturally.


I'm personally tired of seeing submissions based on game grumps.

With that said; This movie was actually surprisingly funny as a nice change of pace.

I don't normally like these stupid game grump movies; However an exception is being made here.

You selected a piece of audio that was completely unrelated to the subject matter of video games.

A lot of video game references are lost on me and certain gags just don't click with me.

The subject matter of the movie was an unrelated story about a handsome nerd.

This handsome nerd embodied all the stereotypes about nerds with the exception of being attractive to women.

The game grumps seem to be very colorful story tellers and has managed to inspire lots of newgrounds animators.

The story really went off on a wild tangent much like a conversation between two friends trying to make each other laugh.

That sort of conversation usually happens inside the writers room rather than be used an actual script.

The absurdity of the story along with the voice acting added a lot of comedy.

You selected a surprisingly funny bit of games grump audio.

The drawings themselves is the real meat of this submission.

The characters had lots of funny facial expressions contributed plenty of humor.

You used plenty of camera angles with your cartoon.

I love the colors selected for this movie.

The colors were appropriate and carefully selected to give an interesting look.

The default background for most of the movie looked a lot like paper.

That is a very neat effect.

The resulting movie was surprisingly good for a game grumps styled submission.

I was entertained.


vlaktemaat responds:

Good review! Thnx

These animation poses were excellent.

The animation poses themselves were accurate to sailor moon.

Link and his movements during the transformation looked extremely feminine.

Women generally move in ways entirely distinct from men.

Link's poses mirrored sailor moon to a perfect tea.

I personally find the gag about a male doing a sailor moon transformation to be a played out.

I would even categorize this movie as overrated in honest opinion.

I personally didn't find the movie to be funny; However, the animation had extremely effective poses.

You did an excellent job with working out the poses.

I can easily imagine a lot of repeating viewings of sailor moon just to get the poses working.

You built on top of those poses and replaced the original protagonist with a brand new one.

It takes a real understanding of the poses to add new material on top of your reference material.

This movie was not my cup tea; However, I will acknowledge this bit of animation is high quality.

You watch way too much sailor moon.

Excellent work on those animation poses.

- Mightydein

ArtistGamerGal responds:

Ya, I really can't take too much credit being that I just copied the poses from the original and didn't design the poses or characters but it was fun to see how they looked with a man's body to me ;)

And ya, video game anime crossover parodies are pretty played out but I wasn't really looking to be super original with this one lol. It was really more of a personal challenge to help me get used to using new software since before this animation most things I made were done in Flash and this animation uses a combination of Toon Boom and After Effects for the bulk of the work so it really helped me to learn that new pipeline.

I love the many camera angles used for this movie.

The gory sound effects for blood and other fluids sounded excellent.

I love the sound used for blood spray.

The drawings and animation became more polished in the middle.

You have successfully demonstrated an improvement as you progressively worked on the same project.

The blood spray animation could use a bit of improvement by mixing different shades of red.

Blood is often different shades of red.

The guy put a hole into his own head by doing a face palm.

The hole in the head would still have parts of the skull, parts of brain, tongue, teeth, ect.

Try to understand how the face forms together including bones, brains and other parts.

You must understand how the things are put together before destroying it.

When you understand how the face is put together and destroy with a facepalm.

You can than make your gory sight gag even more visually disturbing.

The gruesome sound effects worked effectively for the gory sight gag.

The movie really gone crazy after that face palm gag.

I wasn't expecting the setting to change into a saloon.

The bad guy than appears and than runs off for an unexplained reason.

He trips on a rock.

The faceless man is suddenly a hero despite not doing anything at all.

He than flies into space on a strange creature and the movie ends.

The overall movie had a very dumb idea; However, the complete movie was still very silly.

I've enjoyed watching this cartoon.


min3ralWater responds:

Thanks for the review. The movie had a very stupid idea there's no doubt about that :P But to make things clearer, the bad guy got scared and ran away. I guess I could have made it clearer somehow. Thanks for the big analysis! It gives me a lot to think about.

This movie had some great coloring.

I love how you move away from using black outlines for coloring.

You used different camera angles.

The movie was a bit strange and it really confused me.

I didn't understand the narrative behind this movie at all.

Sometimes the animator produces a submission with a narrative only understandable to themselves.

I've produced flashes with incomprehensible stories and the general reaction was usually hostility.

The polished drawings have compensated for the lack of story and the result was a pure unadulterated oddity.

I enjoy seeing these kinda strange movies because it's care-free style.

I was entertained by this oddity.


InsanitySquid responds:

Thanks man, I'm glad you liked the colours :) Hopefully next time it will make sense.

I created cartoons for newgrounds since 2003 and collaborated with artists such as livecorpse, Billy Monks and others.
I'm also known as PowerRangerYELLOW on my alt account.
I hope to make more cartoons soon.

Age 41

Internet animator


Joined on 1/8/02

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