A good parody of those kids books.
You got a style that's all your own. only great flash artist's like eddie bain has fish jobs in his classic master pieces.
Keep up the good work ed.
A good parody of those kids books.
You got a style that's all your own. only great flash artist's like eddie bain has fish jobs in his classic master pieces.
Keep up the good work ed.
Eddie bain?
Is that becase I'm the "bain" of angstdrillhead's and millix exsistance?
What a charming and cute movie
You really made nice and goofy flash.
The humor, the graphics and all that is very solid for something so simple.
You might want to make this movie a lot longer and resubmit it if it don't pass judgement.
Terible movie.
I like the concept of flash based on fist of northstar when it is executed properly.
The animation was choppy and the graphics were weak.
Not only that but the movie was only 5 seconds.
Try again.
Why the hell is the score?
This flash is a ture masterpiece and shoulf have a daily feature or any award above under dog of the week.
The animation is smooth and the movie it self is well worth the loading time it has.
Kids, don't seem to watch and vote fair enough on flash's like these.
More pepole should get a chance to see this.
The movie was pretty bad.
I can't really say this movie deserves turd of the week but it still is a pretty bad movie.
I seen a lot worse that could have gotten this spot but it's award to this movie.
Congrates on a portal even if is an award for making a bad flash at least it's something.
Try a lot harder next time so you have a lot of potentical to do better in your flash animations so please work at it.
All in all way above average for turd of the week.
How the hell did this movie pass judgement?
The graphics are badly rendered such as the purple monster that eats it's own poop.
I'am not sure how the movie passed maybe you were lucky.
Uggh what trash!
A nice little short.
Strange as always with your flash work. And you movies never fail to lack humor.
The movie cannot desribe in any other words than bizzare,violent and funny as hell.
Don't watch this if you don't have time to kill.
This movie is very comical and has a pretty good storyline going.
I'am not into too many flash movies with story's but this is a fine example of an animation with good pacing,story,smooth,animation all the stuff that helps a flash movie going.
The movie only needed a scene selection and it'd be perfect.
Not much to say except i like it.
The movie really puts you into a another world and is well synched to the music.
Your a very talented animater and more pepole should get a chance to see this movie.
The movie had some neat 3D like effects and the hyper active pace puts you into another world. Not a world i'd like visit in reality but a world i like to look at though flash.
Keep up the good work.
I created cartoons for newgrounds since 2003 and collaborated with artists such as livecorpse, Billy Monks and others.
I'm also known as PowerRangerYELLOW on my alt account.
I hope to make more cartoons soon.
Age 41
Internet animator
Joined on 1/8/02