
705 Movie Reviews

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The brush strokes were very sketchy and a lot of the colors had unfilled gaps and areas.

I love all the frame by frame animation used for this movie; However, some of the animation was a bit jumpy.

Smooth animation generally takes a certain level of experience gained from practice.

You used the same shade of white for eyes, paper, clouds, white clothing, ect.

You can improve upon coloring by applying different shades of the same color to many of these everyday objects.

The shade of white for paper is gonna be different to a white clouds, white clothing and the whites of eyes.

The graphics for the sky background can be enhanced by using a gradient and than making the background clouds move.

I love seeing moving clouds in cartoon backgrounds because it adds a certain sense of reality to the world of fantasy.

The city can use a bit of improvement since because the city was drawn as a series of square buildings with windows.

An actual city has many different kind of building structures in a entire variety of shapes.

A city is actually very difficult to draw.

If you live in a city than you can practice by taking some portable art supplies with you and draw your general surroundings.

I like the multiple camera angles used.

The music was a nice touch and the sound effects worked too.

The characters mostly talked with body language; However, the love note would need translation into other languages.

You could upload this flash to non english speaking websites and 99% would still be understood in a universal context.

The movie is passable; However, the movie's biggest flaw are the messy brush strokes and uncolored gaps.

I hope this review provides plenty of useful feedback to directions towards improvement.

- Mightydein

shadowfox234 responds:

Dude thank you so much for this review. Many things had to be change in this animation due to time, even my background artist had to quickly draw the background in a few days due to her finals and the same goes for me for coloring. Next year I'm a senior and I plan to practice over the summer to improve my skills so my senior film will be better than my Jr film.

This movie is basically a skit about a character from gravity falls kicking strong-bad out of his property.

The characters themselves were drawn in the style as the originals.

I usually prefer seeing fan art drawn more towards the distinct style of the author.

You could draw the gravity falls character and strongbad in all kinds of humorous ways.

It was an okay movie but didn't really strike me as funny.

I like the vocal impressions of the characters because strongbad sounded like strongbad.

The gravity falls character's impression was also dead on.

Accurate voice impressions add a certain element of professionalism to the overall movie.

I didn't like the movie but have noted your effort with this review.

- Mightydein

obsu responds:

Those aren't impressions

I love the way you drawn your super heroes.

It reminds me of a lot of american super hero comics.

I love the dynamic poses given to your super heroes.

I been trying to teach myself to how pose my drawings better and wanted to accomplish creating the same kinda strong poses.

The music was great and given the entire movie a sense of scope.

This has to be one of the coolest movies seen all day.

You did good.


This fight scene was obviously influenced by Dragonballz and it's many tributes.

These dragonballz inspired fight scenes tend to be a dime a dozen on the internet.

I like how the video game sprites were manipulated into having plenty of fighting poses.

You selected well edited sprite sheets; However, I will subtract a few points because the sprites were not your creation.

You did give the original sprite authors credit for their work.

Additional credit needs to go to the original graphic designers for those video games.

Sprite movies are generally judged by a higher standard than drawn movies.

Your audience expects more out of sprite movies.

You can teach yourself how to draw by editing your own sprite sheets.

Get yourself some graph paper for templates for creating sprites.

You can practice by coloring the squares on graph paper and than create those sprites on computer.

Graph paper will help you with creating original sprites.

Old video game designers had to know how to draw to create classic 8 bit/16 bit games.

The sound effects were obviously the very distinctly dragonballz.

Many of those battle sound effects are recognizable and heavily used in other internet cartoons.

I personally didn't like this movie but have noted the effort placed in to it.

I hope this review provides you with useful feedback for improvement and encourage you to try other things.

Better luck next time.


SpacePea responds:

Sooner or later i will create my own characters in that style. But the already existing characters i will have to use from others!

I like your background at the start of the movie.

The overall movie could use a bit more color in places since a lot of the drawings were black outlines.

A lot of the color was mostly white with a few exceptions in areas such as lasers, eye pupils and others.

You made the common mistake of drawing your city as a series of squares with windows.

An actual city is full of complex structures of a variety of shapes.

A city is actually very hard to draw.

I like your many uses of camera angles and you used a few smear frames at some point.

The guy falling down used smear frames when his hands were going crazy.

The jewel was created using the gradient feature of flash.

I hope this review gives you plenty of useful information for future improvement.

Best of luck with your new movies.


The movie's lights and shadows could use a bit of work.

I like the glow off of the computer screen acting as a source of light; However the room is not darkened.

The light bulb in the room would be another source of lighting in your scene.

It's difficult to create lights and shadows off of more than one light source.

It takes a bit of practice to work with multiple light sources.

You can practice using one possible light source for the room by darkening the lights.

The brightly colored room in the first scene tells me the lights are on.

I like how the transparent glass effect used on the bong and you likely used the alpha settings in flash.

Those alpha settings for creating transparent graphics are very effective for glows, glass, smoke, ghosts and others.

The backgrounds in the room look to be created outside flash itself.

The wall was likely created in a digital art program such as Photoshop or GIMP.

I noticed the nerd had a lugi figure and wore a my little pony T-shirt.

The nerd's thick glasses would reflect light off of both the computer and light bulb in the room.

I don't get the references on the nerd's posters but they are likely just random drawings.

You made a good decision about including posters because his walls would be otherwise bare.

A lot of your animation was a mixture of frame by frame, tweens and movieclips.

The brush strokes were a bit sloppy in places but generally the overall art is passable.

I hope to have help provide constructive feedback for improvement in the graphics department.

Now onto the movie itself.

Video games and computers are mostly associated with nerds despite these being everyday sources of entertainment.

The character design is based on the nerd stereotype and the voice actor did a very fitting voice.

The nerd voice used is a bit of movie cliche.

The original nerd voices were basically making fun of eccentric individuals with strong obsessions.

A fanboy of grand theft auto with a strong obsession would definitely qualify as a nerd.

The extremely slow download gag is another cliche.

This cliche is about an exaggerated wait time in anticipation.

The nerd waited for grand theft auto to download on his PC so long that he basically turned into a skeleton.

That long wait for the download basically killed him.

The nerd as a skeleton can actually move and can actually respond to sounds.

He can function normally but the download speed was too much for him.

This was a good parody on how the Grand theft auto game is most likely way too big for most computers.

Your movie didn't really strike me as either bad or good.

I would rate it about passable and average at best.

I hope this review provides you with plenty of in-depth analysis for future improvements.

Continue to make more movies, stick with drawing and keep practicing.


MrMattimation responds:

Hi there, thanks for the review and constructive criticism! If you were curious, the backgrounds are made in Paint Tool Sai.

I just finished watching and reviewing your pokemon parody.

This movie is a simple victory screen for a video game.

I like the poses in the animation and the drawing style reminds me of scott pilgrim.

Your drawing style seems to serve as a calling card because it was instantly recognizable.

The background was a sky graident with a few unmoving clouds.

Most of my attention was directed towards the chick doing her victory pose.

You used a few smear frames along with squash and stretch to really work out the poses.

You did some great work with your animation poses and general drawings.

In short; you did some excellent frame by frame animation.

I like your drawing style and will be looking into your other movies.

A very good 16 seconds of animation.


The drawing style used for this pokemon has a much more distinct look than the anime.

I seen way too many anime fan flashes that attempt to create a carbon copy of the original.

The parody is based more on the game boy games and many of the references will be misunderstood by me.

I really like your more cartoony drawing style because it really adds a sense of fun.

The characters had very expressive faces and a lot of frame by frame has been used.

I didn't find this parody to be funny in my own personal opinion; However, the frantic pace added a certain entertainment value.

Many of the male voices sounded the same because one actor was likely multi tasking.

It is sometimes difficult to get extra voice actors for each character in certain situations.

Sometimes you can recognize the actor doing multiple voices despite their disguise.

One actor per role is the ideal goal of any flash movie.

You seemed to have already established a fanbase and many of your fans would likely help with voices.

The actual voice acting itself was good for the most part.

I like the music selection used for this entire movie and a lot of the tunes referenced classic nintento.

This pokemon parody turned out to be better than average because of it's more distinct drawing style.

Make some original non parody movies to mix things up.

I would love to see your drawing style used to create different kinds of movies as well.


mattyburrito responds:

Thank you for taking the time to write such an in-depth critique for both my videos. I'm glad you found things to like despite the humor not being your thing, and yes my work as of late is heavily influenced by Scott Pilgrim. I'm working towards making more original stuff.

This sequel works as a stand alone movie; However, a certain bit of information becomes lost without viewing the first Tough guys movie.

The recap at the beginning helps with making sense out of this new movie.

The events all started because two men in the gym were fighting over free weights.

The sequel is actually really crazy when placed into it's proper context.

The two tough guys befriended each other in the first movie and unintentionally destroyed the gym with a powerful high five.

This attracted the attention of the government and one of the tough guys was held captive.

The touch guy held captive had his muscles taken away by his kidnappers.

That is a very silly gag because muscles can only weaken from lack of exercise.

You made an interesting decision to introduce some badguys your show.

The previous movie although had some conflict did not have any actual villains.

Both of the tough guys are good guys.

Sometimes, good people get into petty arguments much like anyone else.

The first movie was basically a Good vs Good sort of movie.

That adds a certain sense of reality to the fantasy world.

The tough guys basically acted as antagonists to each other in your previous movie.

The second movie introduces more traditional styled antagonists to the show.

The army guys were obviously very bad and were cruel towards their prisoners.

I can understand that they would be curious about two men destroying the gym with a power high five.

My sympathy for these army guys ended when they took away one of the tough guy's muscles.

cruelty towards their prisoners has established the army guys as the clear cut villains.

This second movie continues from where the last episode left off.

I love the idea of presenting more episodes of this cartoon as a serial.

I didn't expect to see a second tough guys episode and I'm now curious about a third episode.

Your drawings are still a bit crude and amateurish; However, you compensated for this.

You took the simple everyday event of two men fighting over free weights and turned it into an imaginative serial.


I created cartoons for newgrounds since 2003 and collaborated with artists such as livecorpse, Billy Monks and others.
I'm also known as PowerRangerYELLOW on my alt account.
I hope to make more cartoons soon.

Age 41

Internet animator


Joined on 1/8/02

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