
276 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Pete's sister recently moved into her new home after the events of previous installments of Yonder ho.

This episode picks up from where those past episodes have left off.

The main protagonist for this one episode is focused towards pete's sister.

Perhaps, future installments of this series can create individual stories for other characters as well.

I found myself asking about what has happened to pete.

You've added a sub plot that seemed to be irrelevant towards the current story.

The sub plot could have been eliminated without effecting the overall episode.

How does pete's story connect to the events happening to his sister?

Pete is not even the main protagonist of this episode.

connecting the two unrelated plot elements is gonna be extremely difficult.

It would have been easier to eliminate pete's sub plot.

I don't see the connection between pete being in a sky building and that girl's storyline about giant cats.

You created a lot of work for the next episode.

The backgrounds for this episode were nothing impressive when compared to previous installments.

I'm not enjoying the live action footage in certain places.

You could get away with including live action gags in the commercial breaks.

A lot of the doctored commercials were very funny.

I don't like the insignificant live action elements; However, The cat photos were effective for enhancing comedy.

A drawing of cat would not be nearly as funny.

In closing; I liked how you switched main characters for one episode.

I wonder how pete's story is connected to the giant cat story.

Many of the live action elements were out of place; However, the cat photos were not.

A live action photo of giant cat in a cartoon is more silly than a drawing.

Overall, It was an average episode at best.


Bertn1991 responds:

Aw, I'm sorry you didn't like this one as much. I thought you'd like it more. Maybe you'll like part two a bit more. I think it's funnier over all, though, I'll admit that there is too much filler (as in commercial breaks)

And about Pete's subplot, it's never really explained why he was there. It sorta is, but not really. Pete's stories are meant to start in the middle. His story is not very important. He just wants to see his sister. He's just kinda there in this episode.

And if you didn't like the live action Rawhide segments, then you're gonna really like a part in the beginning of the next episode. It sorta pokes fun at that (among MANY other things.)

But yeah, sorry if this one wasn't up to snuff. Thank you nonetheless : )

The drawings were a bit crude and a few of the brush strokes were very messy on the close up.

I noticed a gaps you forgot to color on sonic's hat.

Sometimes gaps are unavoidable because of how flash function; However, a close inspection on each drawing can help with figuring out how to fix gaps.

You can use the zoom in function of flash to spot gaps and use the paint bucket for gap fixing.

You can also use the brush tool for other kinds of gaps.

Do whatever you can to fix gaps of uncolored areas.

The mouth animations appeared to be very choppy.

It wouldn't be so noticeable if the same mouth flaps weren't recycled so extensively.

The animated loop of sonic playing the flute didn't bother when compared to your mouth flaps.

You had good chooses in colors and even applied shadows to create a more polished look.

I have one small criticism.

Where is the light source coming from?

each character standing together will have different shadows because they are each standing in different spots.

I noticed the shadows on each character looked uniform in appearance.

Each character is standing beside one another will also cast some shadows.

Try taking sonic the hedgehog toys and observe how they interact with different light.

Go outside and observe the lights and shadows in real life.

Observe the direction of light and how it effects shadows.

Observe indoor lights and how it effects shadows.

Play around with a lamps and move light around.

Use a camera to really observe light and shadows.

I wouldn't recommend adding shadows to first movies unless the light source can easily be understood.

The backgrounds would also have lights and shadows to compliment the characters as well.

I love you synchronized the animation with music.

You made a good first movie but your work could still use a bit of polishing and refinement.

I hope this review provides a useful guide for creating better looking movies.

Best of luck with your future endeavors.

- Mightydein

SirLenward responds:

Thanks for the information it means a lot. Quote on Quote this is probably the animation I'm the most proud this past year, comparing to my other wonderful creations, not really....

This has to be the longest episode out of this entire series.

That is saying a lot since half hour episodes is average running time for each episode.

I noticed that clouds in the background would sometimes move in later parts of this episode.

I was gonna mention the clouds were stationary in the early parts of the show.

I loved a lot of the backgrounds in the desert town and you often seen power lines.

You paid a lot of attention to detail; However, the backgrounds in the city were very ugly in comparison.

A city is very difficult to draw because of complex building structures along with other details such as roads, sidewalks, powerlines, ect.

Most people draw a city as a series of tall square buildings but it is generally a common mistake.

I already mentioned that a city background is difficult to draw because of the level of subtle details that most people fail to notice.

The desert town had better backgrounds by far in comparison.

You seen graffiti on the walls, power lines and a lot of other neglected details that would have enhanced your city backgrounds.

I love the water effect on the scene where pete and his sister crossed the river.

The way you animated the waves looked great since.

I would add an addition of some lights reflecting onto your characters.

The next time that you go swimming in a pool.

observe some of the reflected light from the water bounce off of it's subject.

It's a subtle detail and is really difficult to explain with giving away visual examples.

I generally love a lot of the animation and drawings in this entire episode.

Many of your backgrounds were different levels of quality as already explained perviously before.

Perhaps, creating short episodes will leave more time to focus on important backgrounds.

I also noticed an increase of self parody within your series as a whole.

If you have missing but important audio files than you think of humorous work arounds.

That shows both creativity and a sense of humor.

You sometimes mocked your animation flaws whenever to farther enhance the humorous use of motion tweens.

The humorous use of a motion tween would be when pete moves to another direction without actually moving any part of his body.

Than you add the sarcastic text, '' Great animation, bro'' to farther enhance the gag.

That gag was only funny the first few times and I wouldn't recommend any farther utilization.

The recap of the pervious episode displayed another example of self parody and joked about you use of the hero's journey type of story.

You even had a gag about the animal side kick concept since pete was always paired up with different animals before episode 6.

The episode had a lot of humorous aspects about it and some of the live action footage served to enhance comedy.

I personally hated the live action footage because it distracted me away from the cartoon.

I like how you used a flashback from episode one to explain pete's magic bag to new viewers.

I seen episode two first and the magic bag seemed to have come out of nowhere.

This show seemed to have a consistent loose continuity.

I learned more about the characters in this episode and the fears of a certain character added something significant to the story.

I like how this episode turned out.

- Mightydein

Bertn1991 responds:

Thank you for yet another well written, thoughtful review, Mighty D! Thank you for taking the time to watch such a long episode. This is by far the longest episode. So far at least.

I spent much more time on backgrounds in this episode. You can find Easter eggs in most of the backgrounds if you look hard enough. Did you find the Portal gun? And also, there's a hidden grizzly goat in every episode. There's lots of little things like that to look for. Maybe you've noticed the red grill that seems to be everywhere, or the barrel with the yellow heart on it, or the snowman. I intentionally reuse the same objects a lot. They're almost like characters! And yes, I am a big fan of power lines in my drawings. They just add a certain touch in my opinion. More time was spent on animation, as well. The water effect was made by using many different layers moving at different speeds.

Yes, I do make fun of myself a lot. Before starting this show I had no writing experience and very little drawing experience (I still can't draw!) I can see that my cartoon is not a masterpiece and is easy to find fault. I like poking fun at that fact. The show is easy to make fun of, but is still very special to me. Oh well, if you can't laugh at yourself . . .

I love these reviews of yours. I always look forward to seeing what you have to say. Sadly, there are only two more episodes remaining. After that, it'll probably be months before I finish the next one. I hope you'll still be around by then to watch. Thanks again, Mr. Mighty. YOU ARE COOL.

This movie displayed a lot of enthusiasm and has shown clear signs of effort.

I found the drawings to be a bit amateurish; However, your experiment with using multiple camera angles created a more polished movie.

Good strong poses help with creating lively animation.

You weren't afraid of making mistakes and learning from them.

If only more artists shown the very same lack of fear.

I hope this review provides you with useful criticism for future growth.

Keep up, the good work.

- Mightydein

Agent64 responds:

And, yes, your constructive criticism is quite useful. I will not argue that there are quite a few animation flaws, but in my defense, I did start this project quite a while ago, and I definitely draw much different now. However, I wanted it to look consistent, so that's why I used the rather amateur drawing style I started with.

Pete has a distinct voice that can only belong to him.

A good voice often breathes life into any fictional character.

I've often seen cartoon characters from other shows with the same voice.

Another character could speak in pete's voice and my mind will only accept it as pete.

The voice actors in this series have different degrees of acting talent.

The voice acting in this episode was especially good.

This episode has recently established that pete has an older sister.

You've utilized that new information to reveal more of pete's personality.

How pete interacts with his long lost sister plays an important role in character development.

I like how the commercial breaks have eye catchers now.

I love how your utilization of mario paint for these eye catchers.

Perhaps, you could utilize mario paint as additional tool for creating new episodes.

Some of the pixilated drawing could spend a bit more time in clean up.

I've noticed white spots around the drawing outline in some places.

Those white spots can often be difficult to clean up.

You sometimes need to erase individual pixels in a delicate manner.

Would it be possible to apply a solid background color that matches your background color scheme?

Blue spots in a blue background would be much more difficult to discern.

Your drawings look best when those white spots were eliminated.

The length of these episodes often take away time from cleaning up drawings.

You managed to work around missing sections of audio in a humorous manner.

The entire episode was very silly and was often a bit weird.

Objects sometimes exploded without a logical reason.

I would prefer to see hand drawn explosions rather than using premade gifs.

Perhaps, you could have traced each frame of those live action explosions.

I love the variety of background styles used for this movie.

Ending on cliff-hanger and will likely keep your audience in suspense for the next episode.

I would recommend making use of serial elements in your series more often.

You could make references to pervious episodes to add more depth to the story.

Try to include more elements of serialization while maintaining stand alone story of each episode.

Do whatever you can to keep your audience in suspense and leave em wanting more.

I will be reviewing the next episode soon.

- Mightydein

Bertn1991 responds:

Thanks for another well written, honest review, Might D!

Yes, my sister does Pete's voice. It's obviously a girl's voice, but it just seems to work for him. I can't imagine him having any other voice. I'm lucky to have friends with actual acting experience, luckier still, they work for free ; )

Mario Paint is how I got into cartoons and music and pretty much every creative thing I do today, so I pay tribute to that. It's very special to me. I would kill to have some of my old cartoons back. Oh, I actually did make a full 4 minute cartoon using Mario Paint. It was an episode of the show that came before Yonder Ho. I might upload those as well, though, they very stupid and had ZERO writing. Gotta start somewhere I suppose. I still make that show, though, not as often. There's about 70 episodes.

I'm afraid those spots you speak of will be around for awhile longer, but I will work to eliminate them in the episode I'm working on. Spoiler alert, it's about giant cats!

I will work on drawing my own explosions. They're not that hard to make, they just look sorta weird they way I draw them.

Yes, there will be a lot of continuity between episodes for the foreseeable future. Maybe it's hard to tell, but there is an overall story arch. It's about Pete looking for his parents, and the final episode will conclude things and tie all the episode together, though, that will be a long time from now. There was an episode that suppose to come after the fourth, but I didn't finish it. It was about Pete's parents going missing. It wasn't funny so I stopped working on it. It was kinda sad.

I am very grateful to have you as a fan. I will pay homage to you in some form or another in the episode I'm working on, so look out for that! It'll be awhile I'm afraid. It takes months to make a single episode as I have school and stuff. The first episode was made in 5 days! But they general take quite awhile.

Thanks again, Mighty. Nothin' but respect : )

I noticed that you have recycled a lot of previously created animation for this episode.

I've often seen that same walk cycle utilized for the little boy during the duration of this series.

I could over look the walk cycle's reuse on previous episodes but it is becoming increasingly noticeable now.

It is perfectly understandable to make use of your archive since it is effective time saver.

Some of this reused animation effects give you more time to focus on other aspects of production.

A lot of the reused animation should be improved upon by applying updates for future episodes.

You still created plenty of new animation along with backgrounds.

The musical soundtrack was a bit more memorable than the previous episode.

The story once again was straight forward but certain scenes dragged.

I would like to see the characters emote more within their drawings.

The little boy could be scarred, mad, sad, happy but in different contexts.

Try to avoid drawing the same character facial expression twice.

I didn't like this episode nearly as much when compared to the others.

I will continue to watch new episodes of Yonder Ho!

I hope my review serves as useful advice for you.


Bertn1991 responds:

As always, thanks, Mighty. And yes, your advice is always very helpful! Yeah, this ain't the best episode in the bunch, is it? The plot is kinda stupid I guess. You're opinion is very valued to me, because you're honest, yet kind. Oh, and you're gonna love the next two episodes. I just know it! They're my favorites, though, the story is REALLY drawn out and does drag on quite a bit just so you know. I think the music is much better, which I'm sure you can appreciate. I hope you like it : )

I like the drawing style used for pico and the music was great.

The dancing animation was very silly.

I wanted to like this movie but was not entirely impressed.

The movie might work better in a collection of other pico movies with an option for returning to menu.

I like your drawing style and might be interested in seeing your other work.

I really feel bad about not loving this loop.


keomani responds:

Don't feel bad. I <3 u.

You seem to display a consistent level of enthusiasm for your art.

I'm impressed that you managed to stick with the creation of this series for so long.

I get bored of working on the same projects and have a collection of unfinished work as evidence.

Sticking with the same project can often be boring at times because the human brain is programmed to seek novelty.

You choose to not fight that natural tendency and opted to utilize different aspects of your drawing style.

I would recommend trying different mediums to make future episodes of this series.

Strictly adhering to the same look will often kill any motivation behind any new art project.

Changing to different aspects of your own art style can often be appropriate for setting different moods.

I love how you often switch between different aspects of your own drawing style during the duration of the entire series.

This episode much like the previous installment has a simple storyline.

A boy gets poisoned after eating a yellow flower and than seeks the aid of a doctor.

The boy goes on a journey for some kinda rare plant to cure his self induced illness.

I liked some the gags within the movie and your usage of fantasy audio sound effects.

A lot of those sounds don't exist in reality and is sometimes effective for creating a fantasy world.

Most people take the usage of sound effects for granted because it's a common and effective practice.

It's not easy to create proper sound effects because it takes more thought than most people care to realize.

Sound is extremely important and some of the audio had inconsistent levels.

The rabbit's audio had some of the issues commonly associated with inexpensive microphones.

I assume that voice actor for your rabbit character has to send his audio clips to you.

I would utilize the rabbit less often until he can purchase a better microphone.

Spending more time in post production for audio could potentially improve audio issues.

The music for this episode was nothing special when compared to past shows.

The music did not strike me as memorable to the same degree as other audio stimuli.

The scenes dragged a lot less than previous episodes and a lot of pacing problems were fixed.

This show is becoming more entertaining.


Bertn1991 responds:

Thanks, Mighty! I'm hanging on every word. I'm really taking notes on your criticisms. You will see them addressed in future episodes. I still consider myself a novice. I still don't know what the heck I'm doing sometimes! I make it up as I go along. I hardly even use animation software! But thanks. You are cool : )

I like the silly premise about a rock being the best friend of your main protagonist.

I like the voice acting in the movie.

The high pitched voice of the narrator added a certain element of humor to this silly movie.

The voices are distinct from each other and don't sound like the same person.

Did you do both voices?

Sometimes you can recognize when a voice actor is disguising their voice.

Make movies with those voice actors.


Ombey responds:

Thank you so much for the kind words.
Yes, I did both voices, and all my upcoming movies will have the same voice actor: me! :D

I created cartoons for newgrounds since 2003 and collaborated with artists such as livecorpse, Billy Monks and others.
I'm also known as PowerRangerYELLOW on my alt account.
I hope to make more cartoons soon.

Age 41

Internet animator


Joined on 1/8/02

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