I found this be the most entertaining episode out of your entire series so far.
A lot of the pacing problems with episode 2 were eliminated.
This had more of a straight forward and much more simple story than the previous episode.
Sometimes going with a more simple story is a bit more effective.
I didn't like the opening musical number that came after the show's theme song.
The song was funny in certain places.
The music video elements of that musical number were kinda cool too.
The opening musical number dragged and could have been shortened.
Those shots of the guy singing that song could have been eliminated in favor of more music video elements.
I like the drawings of the boy and his cat during the musical number.
Animation is great for music videos and has an ability for creating entire worlds of fantasy worlds.
A lot of sound effects used remind me of ancient video game technology.
I assume you used a lot of 8 bit sound effects.
I even noticed an anime sound effect used in that movie as well.
The musical soundtrack used for this episode was entirely different from the other episodes.
You did a lot of home work on sound and it shows.
The sound has significantly improved since episode 2.
Sometimes that rabbit's voice in the previous episode was a bit too low volume.
You are getting better at sound design.
I like sound of the animation effects used for mud, water and other things.
The backgrounds look better; However, gaps are sometimes still left unfilled in certain sections of drawing.
I sometimes spot a green gap on the main character's arm in certain shots.
The episode length doesn't leave a whole lot of time to refine certain drawings.
Creating an new episode since the previous one has shown some artistic growth.
This has been an improvement from past episodes.
- Mightydein