It's a cool start but i still want more.
It's a good start for an attack on illwill's creation but it is missing a middle and an end.
I also notice somewhat of an attempt to try to get the fanbase to go easy on your movie.
I wouldn't recommend doing that. Instead make the best movie you can make and just enjoy pissing the foam heads off.
There gonna get angry at you for killing there lord and master anyway. so why not just go the whole nine yards?
we wouldn't have it anyother way.
Stream your audio in you movie next time. I recommend you use an extra layer in flash just for audio.
It'll cut down on the load time in your movie but it will also make synching your animation a whole lot easier.
I like the first impressions of how your movie starts.
Kinda of a science fiction kinda vault unlocking before my very eyes than the movie begins.
as for the rest of the movie itself not as interesting as the first impression you given me.
Graphic wise at least.
But lets not go into graphics because i don't consider pretty graphics the only thing that adds to the movie.
I like the way you shown your character killing foamy because he was getting on way too annoying.
than the foam heads start flooding you with hate mail because you killed there lord and master.
Theres a lotta truth to that and i find that to be pretty funny.
Maybe you should make your movie a lot longer next time. The run time was hardly enough for me to really get into your movie.
The viewer needs enough time to see character delvopment going on to get a full story going.
at least minute minimum is what the viewer needs to get even a short storyline.
while storyline is not important to me for a good flash it can add a extra layer to your parody.
I wanted to see your charater kill the fan boys left and right with his shot gun in self defense but before that happens.
the movie itself is over.
you've established a begining you should have moved onto the middle instead of just ending it.
Frankly, The credits themselves are much longer than the movie itself.
Good luck on your next try and i'm glad to see a movie from a fellow foamy hater.
In closing embrace the fact that this movie will anger the foamy fans and just get rid of the stupid disclaimer at the start of anti foamy movie.
I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future.